
Parenting Coordinator Services

Boston Parenting Coordinator Services

Massachusetts Custody Dispute Mediation

Parenting coordinators are court-appointed legal professionals who assist divorced parents with post-settlement issues involving custody and parenting time. At the law firm of Grindle Robinson LLP, we offer Boston parenting coordinator services designed to help clients obtain effective resolutions that both parties can agree to. Serving as a neutral mediator or arbitrator, our family law attorneys work to obtain mutual agreement without taking matters to court.

The Benefits of Using a Parenting Coordinator

Obtaining a legal modification or enforcement of court orders can be a time-consuming and costly process, depending on the severity of the issue. While our lawyers are always prepared to represent clients' interest in court, we seek to save clients' time and money by seeking creative solutions through alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation or arbitration. We assist clients to resolve post-divorce custody issues, such as:

  • Minor adjustments to parenting time schedules
  • Third party visitation disputes, such as grandparent visitation
  • Schedule changes for special weekends, events, holidays or vacations
  • Extracurricular activities

As an experienced family mediator and arbitrator, attorney Fern Frolin serves as a neutral facilitator in helping clients negotiate mutual resolutions that fit the unique needs of their family. Both she and associate attorney Jennifer Clapp also have experience representing children's interests as guardians ad litem as well.

Having a parenting coordinator gives all parties — including children — the opportunity to express their needs and concerns. Clients can schedule a consultation as issues arise, instead of waiting to obtain an official hearing in family court. We work diligently with all parties involved to obtain efficient, cost-effective resolutions that protect client interests.

To learn more about our parenting coordinator services, contact our firm by calling 781-489-3719 or toll free at 866-686-0557 to schedule a consultation. We are well-known for our sophisticated representation and regularly receive referrals from other attorneys and former clients.