
Representation for Children (Guardian Ad Litem)

Boston Guardian Ad Litem Lawyers

Wellesley Custody Dispute Attorneys

In some divorce cases involving child custody and visitation disputes, the court may require a legal representative to represent the interests of the individual child in order to make a final decision. Called a guardian ad litem, the representative will work with the child and other parties in the child's life to determine what those interests might be.

At Grindle Robinson LLP, we represent the rights and interests of children of divorced or divorcing parents. Attorney Jennifer Clapp is a court-certified guardian ad litem, and work with children in special cases where their interests must be included to reach a final settlement. From our office in Wellesley, we represent clients throughout the west Boston metropolitan area of Massachusetts.

Using a Guardian ad Litem

Since children cannot legally represent themselves in court, the court will appoint a guardian ad litem, such as a relative or close friend, to protect the child's best interests. In certain cases where such a representative cannot be obtained, however, a qualified attorney will be appointed.

A guardian ad litem is often appointed in cases where a parent is determined mentally unfit to protect a child's best interests when working out a parenting plan. The court may also appoint a guardian ad litem in cases where a parenting plan is highly disputed between divorcing parents. Typical issues include:

  • Grandparent visitation and other third party access (relatives, friends, etc.)
  • Primary custody vs. shared custody
  • Equal parenting time
  • Vacation schedules and holidays
  • Disputes regarding legal custody and decision-making authority

Our Boston guardian ad litem attorneys understand the sensitive nature of high conflict custody and visitation disputes. We meet with children and third parties — such as teachers, relatives, child therapists and others — when forming our recommendations to the court. Our goal is to ensure that parenting plans protect the best interests of the child.

For more than 30 years, our firm has been recognized for the effective, diligent and sophisticated family law services we provide. Contact our firm by calling 781-489-3719 or toll free at 866-686-0557 to schedule a consultation with our experienced family lawyers.